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聯合國託管理事會成立(Trusteeship Council -- TC) 是聯合國實行國際託管制度的主要機構。 1945年6月26日,聯合國成立託管理事會,負責對置於國際託管制度下的領土實行管理,行使聯合國關於除指定為戰略地區之外的託管領土的職能。適用於國際託管的土地是第二次世界大戰結束時尚未獨立的前國際聯盟的委任統治地和戰後割離自敵國的土地。機構設置

分戰略託管地和非戰略託管地兩種。理事會由管理託管地的聯合國會員國、不管理託管地的安理會理事國和聯合國大會選舉的其他不管理託管地的會員國(任期3年)組成。聯合國成立時全世界共有11處託管地[ 東部多哥(法國)、西部多哥(英國)、東喀麥隆(法國)、西喀麥隆(英國)、坦噶尼喀(英國)、盧旺達—布隆迪(比利時)、薩摩亞(新西蘭)、索馬里(意大利)、瑙魯(澳大利亞、新西蘭、英國)、巴布亞新幾內亞(澳大利亞)、太平洋島嶼(美國)],其中有10處相繼獨立。按規定,託管理事會一般每年5-6月舉行一次會議,負責審議託管地管理國提交的報告,會同管理國接受和審查託管地居民的請願書,定期派出視察團視察託管地情況等。以簡單多數進行表決,但其決議須經聯合國大會通過才能生效。中國在聯合國的合法席位恢復後,未參加託管理事會的活動。







The Trusteeship Council suspended operation on 1 November 1994, with the independence of Palau, the last remaining United Nations trust territory, on 1 October 1994. By a resolution adopted on 25 May 1994, the Council amended its rules of procedure to drop the obligation to meet annually and agreed to meet as occasion required -- by its decision or the decision of its President, or at the request of a majority of its members or the General Assembly or the Security Council.


In setting up an International Trusteeship System, the Charter established the Trusteeship Council as one of the main organs of the United Nations and assigned to it the task of supervising the administration of Trust Territories placed under the Trusteeship System. Major goals of the System were to promote the advancement of the inhabitants of Trust Territories and their progressive development towards self-government or independence. TheTrusteeship Council is made up of the five permanent members of the Security Council --China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States.

The aims of the Trusteeship System have been fulfilled to such an extent that all Trust Territories have attained self-government or independence, either as separate States or by joining neighbouring independent countries.

Functions and powers

Under the Charter, the Trusteeship Council is authorized to examine and discuss reports from the Administering Authority on the political, economic, social and educational advancement of the peoples of Trust Territories and, in consultation with the Administering Authority, to examine petitions from and undertake periodic and other special missions to Trust Territories.

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