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溪口村是鄉政府所在村,村內有6個自然村,村內有376戶,共計1195人,耕地面積434畝,山林面積5872畝,村內作物以茶油、茶葉為主。其中茶油219畝,茶葉593畝。村民經濟主要來自農作物的收入,年人均收入4220元,新農村建設以來村內面貌煥然一新,環境大有提高,農村建設正在快速穩步進行。 [1]

類別 :[台灣花蓮縣]

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[遊客 (117.169.*.*)]的評論 [回复 ]時間 :2015-07-09
Thanks, Nic. Diolch fawr for the Flickr reference, as goonligg "Sain" and seeking cool covers came up nearly empty, to my surprise, and I figured somebody out there must've archived them. I wish I could read Welsh to understand the Y Lolfa-published account of the label. By the way, the only way I read Hill's book was by interlibrary loan. My librarian certainly did a double take at the title!
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