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1991.7 至1995.7 哈爾濱建築大學 助教

1995.9 至1999.7 哈爾濱建築大學 講師

1999.9 至2003.7 哈爾濱工業大學副教授營造與房地產系副主任

1999.10至2000.10 Research Fellow,PARI,Civic Design,University of Liverpool,UK2003.8 . 哈爾濱工業大學教授、博導公共管理系副主任

2005.4至2005.6 Visiting Professor,Faculty of Technology,Policy and Management,Delft University of Technology,Netherlands

2010.9 — 大連理工大學人文與社會科學學部副部長、教授、博導。





西寶主編. 管理科學研究方法(國家普通高等學校十一五規劃教材). 高等教育出版社,2008

⒈ Tang Yanhong,Xi Bao. Dynamic forecasting of traffic volume based on quantificational dynamics: A nearness perspective. Scientific Research and Essays,2010,5⑷: 389~394 (SCI檢索)

⒉ Miao Xin,Yu Bo,Xi Bao,Tang Yanhong. Modeling of bilevel games and incentives for sustainable critical infrastructure system. Technological and Economic Development of Economy,2010,16⑶: 365~379 (SSCI檢索)

⒊ Wang,Y. and Xi,B. (2009) Preparing for future uncertainty: creating a crisis management team',Int. J. Human Resources Development and Management,Vol. 9,No. 1,pp.81–96.

⒋ Martin de Jong,Bao Xi. Transferring the Technology Policy Management Concept from the Netherlands to China. Knowledge,Technology,& Policy,Winter 2007,Vol. 19,No. 4,pp. 119-136.

⒌ Yongchi Ma,Bao Xi,Shaohui Dong,Xuening Chen. Bottom-up optimization approach and nonlinear model for oil?eld output programming. International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management. Vol.2 (2007) No.4,pp.257 -267

⒍ Jong,Martin de,Mu Rui,Dominic Stead,Ma Yongchi and Xi Bao (2009): Introducing public-private partnerships for subways in China; What's the evidence? Journal of Transport Geography. 2010,18:301-313 (SSCI檢索)

⒎ Miao Xin,Xi Bao,Zhang Xi-qiao. Effect equilibrium approach in calculating the economic range of a freeway industrial zone. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research. 2008,8⑴:31~44 (SSCI檢索)

⒏ Miao Xin,Xi Bao,Yu Bo. Triplex-network design for research of supply chain reliability. African Journal of Business Management,2010,4⑴: 31~38 (SSCI檢索)

⒐ Miao Xin,Yu Bo,Xi Bao. The uncertainty evaluation method of supply chain reliability. Transport. 2009,24⑷:296~300 (SCI檢索)

⒑ Miao Xin,Xi Bao. Agile forecasting of dynamic logistics demand. Transport. 2008,23⑴:26~30 (SCI檢索)

⒒ Miao Xin,Xi Bao. CAS-based social network analysis for collaborative management in green supply chain network system. International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations. 2007,4⑷: 446~458 (EI檢索)

⒓ Miao Xin,Xi Bao,Zhou Hui-min. Agility-oriented logistics demand forecasting for answering dynamic factors in uncertain supply chain environment. International Journal of Agile Systems and Management. 2008,3(3/4):216~227

⒔ Miao Xin,Xi Bao,Zhou Hui-min. Visum-aided analysis on significance of toll optimization to freeway network state. Journal of Information,Intelligence and Knowledge. 2009,1⑷: 417~431

⒕ Miao Xin,Xi Bao,Zhou Hui-min. Adaptive forecasting of induced traffic volume based on induced economic growth. Journal of Information,Intelligence and Knowledge. 2010,2⑴: 1~10

⒖ YongChi Ma,Bao Xi,and Yang Wang. Water Pollution Governance in Trans-Boundary River Basins: Lessons from a Policy Network Analysis of The Songhua River Pollution Event. Journal of Nature Science and Sustainable Technology. Vol. 3,Issue 2,2009 ,163-180

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